
Хм... подскажите, какой текст правильный?
Here comes Gali the Alligator
He's a puppet decimator
Little bunnies chewed to death
You can smell blood on his breath
'Cause we bunnies live in fear
That hell tear off their fluffy ears
Better stay out of his path
If you want to escape his wrath.

Here comes Gali the Aligator
He's a puppet desimator
Little birdies trooped to death
you can smell blood on his breath

Cuddly families left in fear
and he'll pull off their fluffy ears!
Better stay out of his path
If you want to escape his wrath!

@темы: humour

24.06.2009 в 22:28

understanding/ understooding
25.06.2009 в 18:54

"Could not locate remote server"
клево в квадратике написано)
26.06.2009 в 03:44

эх, деревня :(

что-то я 6-ю строку на слух вообще разобрать не могу

Хэлоу, Гали =)


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